All communication is done through email- please ensure that emailajms@gmail.com is added to your contact list so that you receive all communication from us!
Payment Policy
Lessons are paid for in advance on the first of each month for the upcoming month's lessons. A late payment fee of 25% per month will be applied to overdue accounts.
Payment options for lessons:
1. Visa or Mastercard automatic monthly billing. Log into the AJMS portal to set up. http://login.mymusicstaff.com Login to your account, go to Settings- My Preferences Scroll down to Saved Payment Options- Add Card. After filling in your information, please click the keep this credit card on file button. All new students will have this information added to their account upon registration. Unless you make other arrangements with us (ie - let us know you will be bringing in post-dated cheques), your credit card will be automatically billed on the first of each month. An invoice will be issued whenever any charge is made.
2. Post-dated cheques in advance for the term (must be dated for the 1st of each month). Please make cheques payable to “AJMS”.
**There will be a $30 charge for all NSF cheques.**
Please write the student’s First and Last name in the memo area of the cheques
3. Cash, EMT or Cheque for the term in advance
We can no longer accept weekly or monthly cash payments or extend credit. All lessons must be paid in advance.
If you decide to stop lessons at some point during the term, your unused prepayment will be returned, but one month’s notice is required in order to fill your spot.
Attendance Policy
Students of AJMS commit to a weekly time slot. We are holding that spot for you and you will be charged for the lesson whether you attend it or not.
If you are unable to attend a scheduled lesson, you must log into the calendar on the AJMS portal http://login.mymusicstaff.com to cancel your lesson.
A maximum of one absence per term will be honoured for rescheduling provided a minimum of 12 hours notice is given. Any qualifying cancelations will automatically be issued a makeup credit. Any absences beyond that will be forfeited lessons. To book your makeup lesson, please visit the calendar on the portal and book yourself into a spot that has the recycle icon. You must have a makeup credit in order to book those slots- if you book a lesson in a makeup slot without a makeup credit, the software will automatically charge you for the lesson. Please also ensure that it has the icon as any other lesson times will be PAID lesson spots. Please pay close attention to the location of the makeup lesson as several of our teachers teach at both the Waterloo and Elora location on different days.
It is the parent or student’s responsibility to arrange in advance for makeup lessons. Spots are limited and are booked on a first come first served basis, and can be booked as soon as you give appropriate notice of a qualifying cancelled lesson. Makeup lessons cannot be held over to the next term or credited toward the next term and must be booked in advance during the current term.
Any cancellations that a teacher has will automatically be turned into makeup lesson spots, so there may be other options open up on the calendar at the last minute. Keep an eye on it to book your makeup lessons. You can book a makeup lesson a minimum of 6 hours before the start of the lesson
If you are not feeling well, we can do your lesson via Skype, but you MUST let us know before 9:00am on the day of your lesson and your Skype address must be tested and in the system before that. If you think you may want to do a skype lesson, please give us a shout to arrange a quick Skype test.
Any lessons cancelled by the school due to teacher illness or absence will be credited to your account.
Inclement Weather Policy
In the event that the school board chooses not to run their buses, please assume that scheduled lessons will continue as usual. If you do not feel comfortable driving to a lesson, we can do that lesson via Skype. Please set up an account in advance and contact us to test it with you.
If the weather continues to deteriorate during the course of the morning we may decide to switch all lessons to Skype lessons for that particular day. A decision will be made by 1:00pm and a notice will be posted in the AJMS portal at http://login.mymusicstaff.com
Please keep in mind that in most cases, your teacher has come in from out of town for your lesson. Lessons missed due to weather will only be made up if the Adrian Jones Music School cancels lessons for the day. If you are doing in person lessons, please add your Skype address to your profile to be used in the event of inclement weather. Any questions or concerns, please let us know.
Referral Policy
90% of our students find us through referrals from friends. There are generally a few spots available for lessons with each teacher. For every student you refer and who signs up for a minimum of a month, you will be credited one free lesson. Please have them mention your name when they register. Lessons available are Guitar, Bass, Ukulele, Piano, Drums, Violin, Voice, Music Production, and Theory
Contacting your teacher
Students are able to contact their teachers via the Practice Log section of the portal. Click “add time”, add your message, check the “email teacher” box, and click “save”
social media permission form
We at Adrian Jones Music School embrace social media and love to share our cool experiences with the public. Please check us out on social media and use the tag #ajmusicschool. A completed social media release is required for any student who wants to take part in any of our recitals, camps, live or streamed performances.
© 2019